Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Urban Velo

The Kansas City Urban Cyclist Project is featured in the newest issue of Urban Velo, (volume 14, July 2009) on news stands on. Check out the photo spread starting on page 58.
You can read the magazine online or better yet, buy a copy for yourself and show off to all your friends while supporting a great publication.
As always this project would be nothing without all of the people who have supported it from the first day we began to kick around the idea. Thanks for letting me take your picture!!
Since your already online come visit us on Facebook, check it out and become a fan... or not.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Hi guys.. I read the online edition of urban velo and the article/ presentation about your projects was really good and very informative. So nice to see people making such nice bikes.
So.. you have a lot of greetings from the Athens Greece Alleycats team. You can find us here and we will be glad to have your news and your opinion about our projects, though our page may be a little greek for you!
But please check it out, this and our videos on youtube. In our group we have a lot of fixed gear riders so your opinion will be very important to us.

Greetings from Athens